
The Montagu Museum archive contains a wealth of documents, photographs, maps and Africana relating to the history of Montagu and ... the surrounding district. The Montagu Stories webpage is an addition to the archive that extends the availability of this historical material to a new and even larger digital audience.

Montagu Stories seeks to collect stories and pictures on the history of Montagu from any interested party. The success and future of the webpage depends on the involvement of the public; so please contact us with your contributions, ideas and thoughts. The Museum's team of researchers are ready to assist with the collection of information, while the Friends of the Montagu Museum will assist with the final editing and formatting for publication on the website.

Many people worldwide enjoy and appreciate history. In an age where information is increasingly accessed and utilised digitally, that audience has become even bigger. Please support this exciting research project and help us to ensure that Montagu's rich history will not be lost.
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Montagu Museum se argief huisves 'n groot verskeidenheid dokumente, foto's, kaarte en Africana van die geskiedenis... van Montagu en omliggende distrik. Die Montagu Stories webblad is 'n addisionele toevoeging tot die argief wat van hierdie bronne toegankliker maak vir 'n nuwe en self groter digitale gehoor.

Montagu Stories benodig inligting en foto's wat handel oor die geskiedenis van Montagu van enigiemand wat hierin geïnteresseerd is. Die sukses en toekoms van die webblad hang af van die publiek se betrokkenheid; so maak asseblief kontak en deel jou stories en idees met ons. Die museum beskik oor 'n span navorsers wat gereed staan om te help met die insameling van materiaal, terwyl die Vriende van die Montagu Museum betrokke is by die finale versorging van die inligting vir publikasie.

Daar is baie mense wêreldwyd wat geskiedenis geniet en waardeer. Daardie groep mense word net groter in hierdie tye waar inligting meer en meer in digitale formaat beskikbaar is. Ondersteun ons asseblief met hierdie opwindende navorsingsprojek en help ons sodoende verseker dat Montagu se ryk geskiedenis nooit verlore gaan nie.
[sien meer]

Want to contribute?

We encourage you to participate in this project, so please feel free to contact us via email or WhatsApp to discuss any ideas or suggestions. We are grateful for the valuable input from all contributors. CLICK HERE to see the list of people who have contributed.

Contact Details

Rudi Allmayer
073 235 2073