93.The De Waal Bridge

Centennial Commemoration of Montagu’s De Waal Bridge

The De Waal bridge standing firm against another test from nature. The Kingna River in flood
Picture: Montagu Museum

Picture: Taken from Kingna River Bridge 2019

“This is an historic moment for Montagu and its community,” said Francois Daniel de Kock, member of Ward 11’s Ward Committee, of the De Waal Bridge’s centennial commemoration.
Francois de Kock sketched a picture of the rich history of the bridge in Kohler Street at the commemoration ceremony held at the De Waal Bridge on Thursday 15 October 2015.
Lady de Waal brug nou 100
Vandag laat my dink aan 50 jaar gelede toe ek in St.5 (nou Gr.7) was en ons na die eindeksamen vasvra-kompetisies gehou het. Een van my vrae was: “Wat is die naam van die brug onder in Kohlerstraat?”. Nie een kind en selfs nie Mnr. Boshoff, ons onderwyser, was bewus van die naam nie. Die destydse Burgermeester, Mnr. Eve Basson se jongste dogter Laguarenne was ook in ons klas en haar pa het die naam as korrekbevestig.
Twee jaar gelede lees ek dat die brug in 1915 geopen is en besef ek dat die brug in 2015 een honderd jaar oud sal wees en steeds as voetbrug sy deel doen. Weer eens begin ek navraag doen oor die brug se naam maar geensins verbaas, vind ek dat nie eens die oudste inwoners bewus is daarvan dat die brug ‘n naam het nie.
Ek besluit toe die brug verdien ten minste dat sy naam aangebring word, al is dit 100 jaar laat. Ek begin toe “navorsing” doen oor die doel van die brug aangesien daar in 1915 nog geen Montagu-Suid, soos ons dit vandag ken, was nie; trouens daar was nog geen skool, hospitaal of enige huise nie. Die eerste ou hospitaaltjie is na die 1918 griepepidemie op aandrang van Me. Euvrard, later getroud met Mnr. Barry, gebou. Daarwaar die skool tans is, was ‘n beeskamp, waarvan die oorblyfsels van die watertrog steeds in die veld agter die skool is. Die wasdammetjies by Witfontein waar die meer welgestelde inwoners se wasgoed gewas en gestryk is, is ook heelwat later gebou.
My gevolgtrekking is dus dat die brug die verbinding tussen Barrydale aan die ooste en Ashton (destyds Roodewal) aan die weste moes vergemaklik. Dit sou by die huidige Van Riebeeckstraat aansluit, links na Barrydale en regs na Ashton. Die Voortrekkerbrug (westekant) is eers in 1938 met herdenking van die Goot Trek geopen terwyl die Van der Merwebrug (oostekant) heelwat later gebou is.
Die brug is toe gedurende 1915 geopen en die lint geknip deur Lady De Waal, vrou van Sir Frederick de Waal, die eerste Administrateur van die destydse Kaapland na Uniewording in 1910 en staan van daardie dag af bekend as die De Waalbrug.
Ten slotte wil ek graag Dnr. Dave van Schalkwyk, Me. Huckelsby en Mnr. Stone Maurice van die Langeberg Munisipaliteit bedank vir die entoesiasme waarmee hulle die projek aangepak en help deurvoer het. My dank ook aan ons agbare Burgermeester, Rdh. Diana Gagiano en haar komitee wat die projek ondersteun en die fondse bewillig het.
Ek vertrou dat ons dieselfde ondersteuning met die restourasie van Montagu se ou Kerkhowe sal geniet.

Alderman Diana Gagiano, executive mayor of Langeberg Municipality, councillors, municipal officials and members of the public gathered to celebrate this historic piece of infrastructure.
Gagiano cut the white ribbon and unveiled the statue of commemoration as a permanent reminder that this bridge stood the test of time, reaching its 100th annual milestone.
Pictures: Montagu Mail

The bridge, the oldest in the area, is now solely used as a foot crossing. Generally, it is used by learners making their way to and from school. Several years ago, the bridge was used as a one-way for motorists.
Initially, there was no established road crossing from the old town to Montagu South. Residents had to find the most accessible river crossing from the old town. The building of the De Waal Bridge created a safe convenient link between the two areas of the town.
The bridge was officially opened in 1915 by Lady Sara de Waal, wife of the first Administrator of the Cape in the new Union of South Africa, Sir Frederick de Waal, after whom it was named.
After the opening of the first hospital in 1922 in Montagu South, this bridge served as the only river crossing.
(Above article from: https://www.netwerk24.com/ZA/Boland-gazette/Nuus/Centennial-commemoration-of-Montagus-De-Waal-Bridge-20151026)
Lady Sarah de Waal who opened the bridge, at her daughter’s wedding

The marriage of Royden M. Muir to Daphne de Waal. From left to right: Major Prynne Best Man, Lady Sara de Waal, Royden Muir, Daphne Muir, Sir Nicolaas Frederic de Waal, KCMG LLD and unidentified page girl and pageboy.
Picture: Peter C Gordon (ResearchGate)
Extract from notes by Miss Babsie van Zyl (Sarah Susanna)
of Le Roux Street, Montagu
She wrote these notes in 1964 to assist Mrs. Bee Jordaan who was at the time the Archivist at the Montagu Library
The De Waal Bridge over the Kingna River at Montagu (bottom Kohler Street) was opened by Lady de Waal on the same day as her husband, Sir Frederick de Waal, (Provincial Secretary*) opened the Kindergarten in 1916. The arrangements were that they were to meet outside Montagu and be driven by motor car over the bridge. Motor cars were rather new in those days and Sir Frederick no doubt somewhat nervous for he sent a request that a particular good and careful driver should be chosen.

Lady de Waal at bridge opening ceremony
Pictures: Montagu Museum
My grandfather, Jan Kriel of Derdeheuwel, had rather a smart car (for those days) at the time. I think it was a red Wolsley or Sunbeam. This car was chosen and my uncle Alec Kriel was chosen to drive it. (Uncle Alex died suddenly of a heart attack in the 1930’s and his wife and children have all since moved to the Transvaal.)
Before the bridge was built in 1915 people crossed the Kingna River at the bottom of Long Street and when the river was in flood by means of an arrangement of pulleys operated by Mr. Tom Powell.
The De Waal Bridge was built of reinforced concrete – the first of its kind in the Union of S.A.
The first three people in Montagu to own cars were: Mr. Dirk Ackermann (an Attorney here at the time. He left for Paarl in 1921), Dr. Muller and grandfather, Jan Kriel. This was at the turn of the century. I think the De Waal car was grandfather’s second car. The first cars were much more primitive.
(Note by Bee Jordaan: Sir Nicholas Frederick de Waal (1853-1932) was the first Administrator of the Cape Province. Born in Holland. Came to South Africa 1880 and settled in Middelburg Cape where he practised law. 1898 elected to Cape Parliament. Later Colonial Secretary in John X. Merriman’s Cabinet 1908. Dictatorial but well respected)
Paul Fouche ou Montaguer onthou

Paul Fouche (links) en Klem Carstens.
Gedurende my hele hoërskoolloopbaan was ek te voet en per fiets heen en terug oor die brug. Pa daagliks te voet, jare per fiets en eers tydens sy laaste werkjare per motor. Gretig om in my matriekjaar agter die stuur van Pa se 1949 V8 Ford Customline te boer, was die eerste probeerslae om oor die brug te ry vreesaanjaend. Dit het gevoel asof die groot, ou Ford net-net op die brug pas en ek enige oomblik teen die loopkante kon bots. Skoon vergeet hoe ons stringe hoërskoolkinders oor die brug geloop het terwyl motors gemaklik tussen ons deurgery het. Wonderlik dat selfs foto’s van die opening behoue gebly het.
Contributions: Irma Jordaan, Montagu Mail